Consolidation Manager Report

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Consolidation Manager Report offers tools to execute the consolidation procedure. It shows an overview of data validation results and workflows on the scope level. From this report you can start the consolidation process for Consolidation or Segment Consolidation Ledger and see the overview of journal entries for consolidation rules groups on the scope level. The outcomes are accessible in the following reports:

  • Posting Journal Report

  • Consolidated Financial Statement

Report Heading

The report heading is dynamically updated as various reporting options are selected. Below it shows the scope for Actual, 2020-12_YTD.

The logo can be changed in Administration; see Configuring Design Elements for more on report design. You can select your base elements in the combo boxes below the report heading:

The Version dimension separates actual figures from planning figures, see full article. The Month_YTD dimension accumulates float values from the beginning of the calendar year to the current date, while respectively holding the final figure for stock values, see full article. The Scope dimension contains all target elements for financial consolidation in a flat list, see full article.

The check-boxes allow you to select the level of consolidation.

  • In case you select Consolidation Ledger all consolidation rules are executed.

  • In case you select Segment Consolidation Ledger only two consolidation rules groups are executed (S – Expenses and Income Consolidation and D – Dept Consolidation)

Separate Financial Statement Validation

The Separate Financial Statement Validation table depicts the data validation results per Scope and Cube. In case any validation has failed, the user can access the Data Validation Results Report and the Data Validation Details Report with an explanation which and why validation has failed by clicking on the blue arrow in the according cell.

In case no data validation has failed, the table will be empty.

Data Validation Results Report

This report provides results about the data validation of the selected data. For example: in a Consolidation Manager report, under the separate Financial Statement validation, this report can be accessed by choosing any specific data. It shows details like the errors and warnings in every chosen set of data.

Parts of the report include sections on the warnings and the number of errors.

Data Validation Details Report

This report is accessed through the Data validation Results report. It can be accessed by clicking either the errors or warnings sections. This report provides detailed data regarding the errors or warnings based on the selected option.


Execute Consolidation Procedure

There are two processes supporting the consolidation procedure.

The Consolidation Button is described below:

Button Description Implementation

The consolidation process combines two or more legal entities into a consolidated financial statement to show the group's figures more accurately. Based on the selected time, scope, and version, automated posting journal entries are created.

The overview of created journal entries shows the numbers of journal entries on the scope and consolidation type level. A more detailed overview can be displayed in the Financial Consolidation Posting Journal report.

Runs the job xdac17_130_Automate consolidation for all subgroups from the Consolidation Integrator project.

The job is executed with the following parameters:

xfss05_SolutionDatabase: The database name (without connection)

xdpj09_User: is the name of the current user. This variable is used to define authorization level.

xdac02_Scope_pattern: Regex pattern, e.g. ^(\QTotal Group\E|\QAMER\E|\QEU\E)$

xdpj03_Month_YTD_pattern: RegEx pattern denoting the yyyy consolidated element or one single yyyy-MM_YTD element, e.g. ^2020-12_YTD$.

xdpj03_Version_pattern: RegEx pattern defining the current version, e.g. ^\QActual\E$

xdac35_Consolidation_pattern: RegEx pattern defining the consolidation type, e.g. ^C$ = Capital Consolidation

xdac17_segmentConsolidationLedger: The flag showing the consolidation mode. In case of segment consolidation the value is 1, in case of consolidation the value is 0.

xdac17_consolidationLedger: The flag showing the consolidation mode. In case of segment consolidation the value is 0, in case of consolidation the value is 1.

The Reverse Consolidation button is described below:

Button Description Implementation
Reverse Consolidation Reverse Consolidation process reverses the merger of the legal entities. Based on the selected time, scope and version existing posting journal entries are deleted.

Runs the xdac15_50_Reverse automated consolidation for all subgroups job from the Data Management Integrator project. The job is executed with the following parameters:

xfss05_SolutionDatabase: The database name (without connection)

xdpj09_User: is the name of the current user. This variable is used to define authorization level.

xdac02_Scope_pattern: Regex pattern, e.g. ^(\QTotal Group\E|\QAMER\E|\QEU\E)$

xdpj03_Month_YTD_pattern: RegEx pattern denoting the yyyy consolidated element or one single yyyy-MM_YTD element, e.g. ^2020-12_YTD$.

xdpj03_Version_pattern: RegEx pattern defining the current version, e.g. ^\QActual\E$

xdac17_segmentConsolidationLedger: The flag showing the consolidation mode. In case of segment consolidation the value is 1, in case of consolidation the value is 0.

xdac17_consolidationLedger: The flag showing the consolidation mode. In case of segment consolidation the value is 0, in case of consolidation the value is 1.

Journal Entries in Posting Journal

The Journal Entries Posting Journal table depicts the number of created intercompany relations on the Scope and Consolidation Type level.


The Manual Journal Entries button opens the Financial Consolidation Posting Journal report.

The Consolidated Financial Statement button opens the Financial Consolidation Consolidated Financial Statement report.

Updated July 8, 2024