Area Charts

An area chart shows graphically quantitative data and is based on the Line chart. Commonly, an area chart is used to compare two or more quantities.

Setting up an area chart

To set up an area chart, click on Insert in the Designer and then click on the charts .

Choose area charts in the pop-up menu.

For more information on how to fill the Insert Chart menu, check the article Inserting a Chart.

Area charts examples

Area chart

The area chart below displays the sold units of two products in certain regions.

Stacked area chart

Using the Product and Region dimensions, the stacked area chart below shows the total sold units of two products in selected countries.

100% Stacked area chart

Using the Regions dimension and units, the 100% stacked area chart below shows the sales data.

Area with markers chart

Using the Regions dimension and units, the area with markers chart below shows the sales data.

Stacked area with markers chart

Using the Regions dimension and units, the stacked area with markers chart below shows the sales data.

100% stacked area with markers chart

Using the Regions dimension and units, the 100% stacked area with markers chart below shows the sales data.

Area range chart

Using the Measure and Regions dimensions, the area range chart below shows the range of gross profit.

Updated July 8, 2024