Currency Conversion Configuration

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Configuration of Conversion Types

The conversion type is defined through a dimension in the cube such as account, transaction type, or measure. This article will use the PnL Account dimension for explanation.

This dimension must have a Conversion Type attribute. This attribute must be set to a base element of the Conversion Type dimension for each base element of the PnL Account dimension. The ~ conversion type always contains a rate of 1 and can be used to prevent unwanted currency conversion, e.g. for the number of heads.

Setting Up Additional Conversion Types

By default, Conversion Type dimension contains the elements Average, Month Start, and Month End. These elements must not be removed.

Additional elements can be added to this dimension as children of  All Conversion Types. The Name attribute must be set. Exchange rates for the additional conversion types can be stored in the Daily Exchange Rates and Exchange Rates cubes.

Conversion from Implicit Local Currency

The element LC (Local Currency) must be a base element in the Currency dimension and must be a child of the total element All Currencies. The currency code to be used as the local currency is implied through the legal entity, and is defined through the attribute Currency in the Legal Entity dimension. This attribute must be defined with a valid source currency for each base element of the Legal Entity dimension.

Conversion from Explicit Source Currency

The conversion of explicit source currency does not require any additional configuration.

Synchronizing Exchange Rates in Forecast and Budget Versions

Exchange Rates cube features the synchronization of exchange rates across months and conversion types. This feature applies to versions starting with Budget or Forecast. After creating or renaming versions, the rule templates handling the exchange rate synchronization in the Exchange Rate cube need to be updated.

For more information, see the article Exchange Rates cube

Exchange Rates

The currency conversion works with any exchange rates stored in the Exchange Rates cube. These exchange rates can be maintained through:

  • manual input using the Exchange Rates report or an ad hoc view
  • using one of the interfaces to import exchange rates provided by the European Central Bank
  • a custom import procedure implemented in the Integrator on Jedox Web

Updated August 28, 2023