Import Exchange Rates Report

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The Import Exchange Rates report enables you to import exchange rates from an external source of your choice.





Import from CSV file: imports exchange rates from the ECB in a standard-format CSV file, which is stored in the standard import folder on the file system.
Note: the folder name needs to be valid and accessible from the Integrator.

Import from CSV file in Jedox Web Report Designer: imports exchange rates provided as a standard-format CSV file from the ECB and stored in the standard import folder on Jedox Web.

Online: imports the exchange rates directly from the ECB website

The standard import folder is defined for the model in the Administration > Settings > [Model Name]/System

The standard import folder is set during the Jedox Installation in Windows

The default location for the standard import folder of the Jedox Suite in Windows is c:\program files (x86)\Jedox\Jedox Suite\tomcat\webapps\etlserver\data\files

The default location for the standard import folder on Jedox Web is in Report Designer > Models > [Model Name] /Files /Import


Additional hints for the selected source.

Import Rates

Starts the import procedure

Runs job to import and process exchange rates in Integrator:

  • Import from CSV file: Job xfcc08_60_EZB_Euro_rates
  • Import from CSV file in Jedox Web Report Designer: Job xfcc21_60_EZB_Euro_rates
  • Online: Job xfcc16_60_ECB_Euro_rates_online


  • xfss05_SolutionDatabase: imports exchange rates to this connection and database.

Get Job Status

Visible if the job is currently running.

Status message and icon

Empty: job has not been started yet

Running: job has been started and did not finish within a short timeout period. Use Get Job Status button to check whether the job has terminated.

Failed: job has failed. Check the execution log in Integrator – Monitor for detailed information.

Completed with Warnings: job has succeeded, but one or more warnings have been raised during the execution. Check the execution log in Integrator – Monitor for detailed information.

Completed successfully: job succeeded without any warnings or errors.

Updated August 23, 2024