Human Resources Actual Report

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This report shows personnel costs and data that are stored in the Personnel Costs cube. It focuses on the actual figures and compares these with other versions.

Report Heading

The screenshot below shows the heading area of the Human Resources Actual report.The report heading updates dynamically as various reporting options are selected. The logo can be changed in Administration; see Configuring Design Elements for more on report design.

The heading area of the report displays the following fields:

Field Description Implementation


Name of the report

Name of the report in Report Designer


Current PoV selection

Localized subtitle will update as PoV selections are made


Show/hide PoV widget

Click on the arrow to display or hide point-of-view selections

Point of View (PoV) Options

The content of the report can be customized using the PoV options, which can be viewed by clicking the blue arrow at the top of the report.

The available options are described below:

PoV Option



Version (Combobox)

Select one forecast for comparison.

Version dimension, filter for Stylesheet attribute equals FC

Month (Combobox)

Select a reporting period (can be a year, or a month in a given year).

Elements matching the pattern yyyy, FYyyyy, FYyyyy-MM, or yyyy-MM of Month dimension

Legal Entity (Combobox)

Select one single legal entity or any consolidated element.

Legal Entity dimension

Cost Center (Combobox)

Select one single cost center or any consolidated element.

Cost Center dimension

Employee (Combobox)

Select one single employee or any consolidated element.

Employee dimension

Year-to-date (checkbox) Display cumulated financial data. Shows values for the selected month, otherwise value per yyyy-MM_YTD or FYyyyy-MM_YTD of Month dimension

Report Columns

The columns displayed in the report depend on the selections made in the PoV area. The screenshot below shows a report displaying Forecast 3+9.

The columns are described below:




Row Label

Account shown as localized name

Preselected global Subset of Personnel Costs_measure dimension, implemented with text filter and pick list manager.

Area visualization of version

Fill and border style for version

Stylesheet attribute of Version dimension


Previous year value

Previous Year element of Version dimension


Budget value

Budget element of Version dimension

FC x+y

Forecast x+y value, the most recent forecast

Preselected element from Version Combobox of Version dimension


Actual figure

Adjusted element of Personnel Costs_measure dimension


Percentage change of Actual to Previous Year

(Actual - Previous Year) / Previous Year


Percentage change of Actual to Budget

(Actual - Budget) / Budget

ΔFC x+y%

Percentage change of Actual to the most recent forecast version

(Actual - Forecast) / Forecast


  • The Year-to-date (YTD) columns are only visible if the Year-to-date option in the PoV area is checked.
  • The Forecast columns (FC x+y and FC x+y%) will not be visible if “no Forecast” is selected as Version in the PoV area.

Updated August 23, 2024