Create New Business Transaction

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This report enables you to create a new business transaction. You can access this report through the Investment Register report.

The system automatically generates the ID for the new transaction. All other fields allow selection within existing elements of each dimension. Only the selection of base elements is allowed.

Clicking on "Create" will result in the generation ofa new business transaction element on the Business Transaction dimension.

The check box Show IDs allows to show or hide the IDs in the ID, Type, Investor, and Investee columns.

Button Description Implementation
Type Type of the business transaction Base elements in the Business Transaction Type dimension
Date Exact Business Transaction date  
Comment Optional comment field  
Investor Investor entity Provides a list of Legal Entities from the Legal Entity dimension
Investee Owner (alias parent) entity Provides a list of Partner Entities from the Partner Entity dimension
Version Provides a list of available versions  
Month_YTD Business transaction period Provides a list of YTD dates from the Month_YTD dimension
BS Balance sheet account recording the investment, e.g., "Total investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates" Provides a list of BS accounts from the BS Account dimension
Create Button Creates a new business transaction

Executes xdir01_40_Create New Business Transaction job with the following parameters:

  • xdir01_New Business Transaction ID – is generated on the report

  • xdir01_Business Transaction Type from input

  • xdir01_Business Transaction Date from input xdir01_Business Transaction Comment from input

  • xdir01_Business Transaction Investor from input

  • xdir01_Business Transaction Investee from input xdir01_Business Transaction Version from input

  • xdir01_Business Transaction Month_YTD from input

  • xdir01_ BS Account from input

The job creates a new element in the Business Transaction dimension with the selected attributes

Close Button Closes the report  

The report has input controls to monitor user input. Selected values must be base elements in the according dimensions.

If the user selects a parent element, the following error message is displayed on the report: "Please ensure to select only base elements in the following field(s): Type, Investor…"

Updated July 8, 2024