Consolidation Rule Dimension

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The Consolidation Rule Dimension lists available consolidation rules in the following four groups:

  • Capital consolidation

  • Debt consolidation

  • Elimination of Unrealized Profit on Inventory

  • Expenses and Income Consolidation

The Consolidation Rule elements can be configured through their attributes:

Attribute Description
Name Readable name of the account. Localized translations can be provided. This attribute is visible in the report. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented on this name. (string)
Description Long text description of the account. This attribute can contain a definition of the amounts booked to the account or instructions for the planners. Localized translations can be provided. (string)
ID_Name Technical element name of the article as well as the readable name. If localized translations are provided Name attribute, this attribute will also become localized. This attribute is visible in the report. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented on this name. (string, calculated)
Group Consolidation Rules execution order during the Consolidation run.
Version Pattern Regular expression for the elements of the Version dimension
Month Valid From Regular expression for the elements of the Version dimension
Month Valid To Upper bound of the valid range of the Month_YTD dimension
F Enabled for F(ull Consolidation)
P Enabled for P(roportional Consolidation)
E Enabled for E(quity Consolidation)
N Enabled for N(ot Consolidated)
Consolidation Ledger Enabled for the Consolidation ledger
Segment Consolidation Ledger Enabled for the Segment Consolidation ledger
DO Enable the filter for the direct ownership rate
DoMin Minimum direct ownership rate
DoMax Maximum direct ownership rate
DOX Enable the filter for the direct ownership rate of the partner entity on the legal entity
DoxMin Minimum direct ownership rate of the partner entity on the legal entity
DoxMax Maximum direct ownership rate of the partner entity on the legal entity
CRT Enable the filter for the consolidation rate
CrtMin Minimum consolidation rate
CrtMax Maximum consolidation rate
CRTX Enable the filter for the consolidation rate of the legal entity in the scope of the partner entity
CrtXMin Minimum mirrored consolidation rate
CrtXMax Maximum mirrored consolidation rate
Business Transaction Type The business transaction type used by the consolidation rule filter Business Transaction Type Enabled.
BusinessTransactionType Filter aditional financial type by the type of the business transaction
Intercompany Matching Whether consolidation is used during intercompany matching in the intercompany matrix reports
Mismatches Threshold Threshold for intercompany differences to be reported as a mismatch.
Transaction Currency Mismatches Threshold Threshold for intercompany differences in transaction currency to be reported as a TC mismatch.
PJ.Name Short text for the journal entry header. This can be any plain text, which may optionally contain the following keywords (in all caps): LEGAL_ENTITY_ID_NAME: ID_Name attribute of the legal entity PARTNER_ENTITY_ID_NAME: ID_Name attribute of the partner entity LEGAL_ENTITY: Element name of the legal entity PARTNER_ENTITY: Element name of the partner entity NAME: Name of the consolidation rule SCOPE: Element name of the current scope HOLDING: Element name for the current scope’s holding entity
PJ.Description Longer text for the journal entry header. This can be any plain text, which may optionally contain the following keywords (in all caps): LEGAL_ENTITY_ID_NAME: ID_Name attribute of the legal entity PARTNER_ENTITY_ID_NAME: ID_Name attribute of the partner entity LEGAL_ENTITY: Element name of the legal entity PARTNER_ENTITY: Element name of the partner entity NAME: Name of the consolidation rule SCOPE: Element name of the current scope HOLDING: Element name for the current scope’s holding entity
PJ.Balance Constraint One of the following choices: Legal Entity: The journal entry is only valid if all lines of each legal entity balance (sum of all credit lines equal to the sum of all debit lines). Journal Entry: The journal entry is only valid if all lines of the entire journal entry balance (sum of all credit lines equal to the sum of all debit lines). None: The journal entry is not checked for the balance (sum of all credit lines compared to the sum of all debit lines).

Updated August 20, 2024