Exchange Rates Report (Financial Consolidation)

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These reports offer inspection and maintenance of monthly exchange rates. The reports display values stored in the Exchange Rates_YTD cube. For information on importing exchange rates from an external source, see Import Exchange Rates Report (Financial Consolidation).





Select Version element.

Version dimension.


Select year or Month_YTD period.

Elements matching the pattern yyyy, yyyy_MM_YTD, FYyyyy or FYyyyy_MM_YTD of Month_YTD dimension.

If the selected element matches the pattern yyyy or FYyyyy, all report columns are locked and cannot be edited. The button “Import Exchange Rates” is hidden.

If the selected element matches the pattern yyyy_MM_YTD or FYyyyy_MM_YTD, the column of the selected element is enabled for editing and the button “Import Exchange Rates” is visible.

Conversion Type

Select one conversion type; alternately you can select All Conversion Types to show all conversion types at once.

Conversion Type dimension (with the exception of the Unassigned, Historic, and ~ elements).

Target Currency

Select target currency.

Base-level elements on level 2 under All Target Currencies of the Target Currency dimension. These elements consist of three uppercase letters, with the exception of XXX.

Workflow Shows currently active workflow Depending on the workflow step, the writability of the columns is defined

Import Exchange Rates

Button to access the report “Import Exchange Rates”.

Opens Administration Reports/Import Exchange Rates.wss

Jan (YTD) ... Dec (YTD)

Year-to-Data month in the selected year.

Base-level descendants of selection Year in Month_YTD dimension.

Row label

ISO code of the currency. The localized name is shown as a tooltip when hovering the mouse cursor over the information symbol.

Next to this, the localized name of one or all selected conversion types is shown.

Currency dimension, descendants of All Currencies on level 1 or 2 consisting of three uppercase letters (excluding XXX).

Attribute Name.
If Conversion Type is set to All Conversion Types, then all children of this element (except for ~) are shown. Otherwise only the selected conversion type is shown.

Micro chart

Shows annual development. Useful to detect extreme deviations (e.g. because of a misplaced decimal separator or missing values).

Measure Exchange Rate from Exchange Rates_YTD cube.


Exchange rate as the equivalent of one unit of the target currency.

Measure Exchange Rate from Exchange Rates_YTDcube.

Import Exchange Rates Report

The Import Exchange Rates report enables you to import exchange rates from an external source of your choice.

Source Description Implementation
CSV file Imports exchange rates from the ECB in a standard-format CSV file, which is stored in the standard import folder on the file system.
Note: the folder name needs to be valid and accessible from the Integrator.

The standard import folder is defined for the model in the Administration > Settings > [Model Name]/System

The standard import folder is set during the Jedox Installation in Windows

CSV file in Jedox web file manager :Imports exchange rates provided as a standard-format CSV file from the ECB and stored in the standard import folder on Jedox Web. The default location for the standard import folder of the Jedox Suite in Windows is c:\program files (x86)\Jedox\Jedox Suite\tomcat\webapps\etlserver\data\files
Web Site Imports the exchange rates directly from the ECB website The default location for the standard import folder on Jedox Web is in Report Designer > Models > [Model Name] /Files /Import

Updated July 8, 2024