Configurable and non-configurable Data Validations

There are 53 Data Validations in the following cubes: Balance Sheet and Balance Sheet (Segment), Profit and Loss and Profit and Loss (Segment), and Scope of Consolidation.

Balance Sheet & Balance Sheet (Segment)
Data Validation Name Description Configurable Dimensions Data Validation Severity
DV42201 Invalid consolidation rule on BS Account The balance sheet account refers to an invalid consolidation rule. This Data Validation is stored in the Consolidation Rule attribute of the BS Account dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the Consolidation Rule dimension, e.g., D1.   Error
DV42202 Missing or invalid clearing account on BS Account The balance sheet account (which is used for a consolidation rule) refers to none or an invalid clearing account. This Data Validation is stored in the Clearing Account attribute of the BS Account dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the BS Account or the PnL Account dimensions.   Error
DV42203 Invalid conversion type on BS Account The balance sheet account refers to an invalid currency conversion type. This Data Validation is stored in the Conversion Type attribute of the BS Account dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the Conversion Type dimension, e.g., Month End.   Error
DV42204 Missing or invalid FXDiff account on BS Account The balance sheet account uses currency conversion at historic rates but does not have a valid balance sheet account configured to receive the foreign exchange differences. This Data Validation is stored in the FXDiff attribute of the BS Account dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the BS Account dimension.   Error
DV42401 Invalid consolidation rule on BS Account (Segment) The balance sheet account refers to an invalid consolidation rule. This Data Validation is stored in the Consolidation Rule attribute of the BS Account (Segment) dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the Consolidation Rule dimension, e.g., D1.   Error
DV42402 Missing or invalid clearing account on BS Account (Segment) The balance sheet account (which is used for a consolidation rule) refers to none or an invalid clearing account. This Data Validation is stored in the Clearing Account attribute of the BS Account (Segment) dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the BS Account (Segment) or the PnL Account dimensions.   Error
DV42403 Invalid conversion type on BS Account (Segment) The balance sheet account refers to an invalid currency conversion type. This Data Validation is stored in the Conversion Type attribute of the BS Account (Segment) dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the Conversion Type dimension, e.g., Month End.   Error
DV42404 Missing or invalid FXDiff account on BS Account (Segment) The balance sheet account uses currency conversion at historic rates but does not have a valid balance sheet account configured to receive the foreign exchange differences. This Data Validation is stored in the FXDiff attribute of the BS Account (Segment) dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the BS Account (Segment) dimension.   Error
DV52101 Opening balance balancing The opening balance on the balance sheet accounts for total assets, and total equity and liabilities do not balance. This Data Validation checks any records on the T000 (Opening) transaction type on the All Partner Entities total in the Balance Sheet cube. BS Account: 100000, 200000 Error
DV52102 Movements balance balancing The movement balance on the balance sheet accounts for total assets, and total equity and liabilities do not balance. This data validation checks any records on the T850 (Movements) plus T801 (FXDiff) transaction types on the All Partner Entities total in the Balance Sheet cube. BS Account: 100000, 200000 Error
DV52103 BS and PnL Profit (loss) The profit and loss transaction type in the retained earnings account in the Balance Sheet cube does not reconcile with the total profit and loss amount in the Profit and Loss cube. BS Account: 211200, PnL Account: 303000 Transaction Type: T111 Error
DV52104 BS and PnL OCI The OCI (other comprehensive income) type in the retained earnings account in the Balance Sheet cube does not reconcile with the total other comprehensive income amount in the Profit and Loss cube. BS Account: 211200 PnL Account: 408000 Transaction Type: T111 Error
DV52105 Non-intercompany split There are amounts with an intercompany relationship stored on a balance sheet account, which does not allow intercompany relationships. The Intercompany attribute of the BS Account element has been set to 0. At least one amount is stored in the Balance Sheet cube on a Partner Entity element other than ~ (the external partner).   Error
DV52106 Intercompany split There are amounts outside an intercompany relationship stored on a balance sheet account, which requires a mandatory intercompany breakdown. The Intercompany attribute of the BS Account element has been set to 2. At least one amount is stored in the Balance Sheet cube on the Partner Entity element ~ (the external partner).   Error
DV52107 Balance Brought Forward The opening balance on balance sheet accounts do not reconcile with the closing balance from the prior reporting period. This data validation compares all records on the T000 (Opening) transaction type with the T999 (Closing) transaction type of the prior reporting period in the Balance Sheet cube. The prior reporting period is identified by the PriorPeriod attribute from the Month_YTD dimension and the Previous Version attribute from the Version dimension. This Data Validation will fail if the application has no data or only a rudimentary data set on the prior reporting period. This is expected and acceptable in the very first reporting period. BS Account: 211201, 211200 Warning
DV52108 Movement schedule The closing balance value entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule does not reconcile with the detailed transaction types. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account dimension. The closing balance is entered on the T998 (Closing (entry)) transaction type. The opening and movement balances stored on the T000 (Opening) and descendants of the T850 (Movements) transaction types do not reconcile. This leads to a non-empty calculated residual value on the T851 (Movements from Closing (entry)) transaction type.   Error
DV52109 Changes in Equity movement schedule At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account dimension. The SoCE.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Changes in equity" Transaction Type: SoCE.T999 Error
DV52110 Business Combinations movement schedule At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account dimension. The BCmb.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Business combinations" and Transaction Type: BCmb.T999 configurable Error
DV52111 PPE movement schedule At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account dimension. The PPE.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Property, plant and equipment" and Transaction Type: PPE.T999 Error
DV52112 Intangible Assets movement schedule At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account dimension. The IntA.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Intangible assets" and Transaction Type: IntA.T999 Error
DV52113 Investment Property movement schedule At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account dimension. The InvP.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Investment property" and Transaction Type: InvP.T999 Error
DV52301 Opening balance balancing (Segment) The opening balance on the balance sheet accounts for total assets, and total equity and liabilities do not balance. This data validation checks any records on the T000 (Opening) transaction type on the All Partner Entities, All Partner Segments, and All Partner Regions totals in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube. BS Account: 100000, 200000 Error
DV52302 Movements balance balancing (Segment) The movement balance on the balance sheet accounts for total assets, and total equity and liabilities do not balance. This data validation checks any records on the T850 (Movements) plus T801 (FXDiff) transaction types on the All Partner Entities, All Partner Segments, and All Partner Regions totals in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube. BS Account: 100000, 200000 Error
DV52303 BS and PnL Profit (loss) (Segment) The profit and loss transaction type in the retained earnings account in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube does not reconcile with the total profit and loss amount in the Profit and Loss (Segment) cube. BS Account: 211200, PnL Account: 303000 Transaction Type: T111 Error
DV52304 BS and PnL OCI (Segment) The OCI (other comprehensive income) type in the retained earnings account in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube does not reconcile with the total other comprehensive income amount in the Profit and Loss (Segment) cube. BS Account: 211200 PnL Account: 408000 Transaction Type: T111 Error
DV52305 Non-intercompany split (Segment) There are amounts with an intercompany relationship stored on a balance sheet account, which does not allow intercompany relationships. The Intercompany attribute of the BS Account (Segment) element has been set to 0. At least one amount is stored in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube on a Partner Entity element other than ~ (the external partner).   Error
DV52306 Intercompany split (Segment) There are amounts without an intercompany relationship stored on a balance sheet account, which requires a mandatory intercompany breakdown. The Intercompany attribute of the BS Account (Segment) element has been set to 2. At least one amount is stored in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube on the Partner Entity element ~ (the external partner).   Error
DV52307 Balance Brought Forward (Segment) The opening balance on balance sheet accounts do not reconcile with the closing balance from the prior reporting period. This data validation compares all records on the T000 (Opening) transaction type with the T999 (Closing) transaction type of the prior reporting period in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube. The prior reporting period is identified by the PriorPeriod attribute from the Month_YTD dimension and the Previous Version attribute from the Version dimension. This data validation will fail if the application has no data or only a rudimentary data set on the prior reporting period. This is expected and acceptable in the very first reporting period. BS Account: 211201, 211200 Error
DV52308 Movement schedule (Segment) The closing balance value entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule does not reconcile with the detailed transaction types. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account (Segment) dimension. The closing balance is entered on the T998 (Closing (entry)) transaction type. The opening and movement balances stored on the T000 (Opening) and descendants of the T850 (Movements) transaction types do not reconcile. This leads to a non-empty calculated residual value on the T851 (Movements from Closing (entry)) transaction type. Movement Schedule required Error
DV52309 Changes in Equity movement schedule (Segment) At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account (Segment) dimension. The SoCE.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Changes in equity" Transaction Type: SoCE.T999 Error
DV52310 Business Combinations movement schedule (Segment) At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account (Segment) dimension. The BCmb.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Business combinations" Transaction Type: BCmb.T999 Error
DV52311 PPE movement schedule (Segment) At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account (Segment) dimension. The PPE.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Property, plant and equipment" Transaction Type: PPE.T999 Error
DV52312 Intangible Assets movement schedule (Segment) At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account (Segment) dimension. The IntA.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Intangible assets" and Transaction Type: IntA.T999 Error
DV52313 Investment Property movement schedule (Segment) At least one movement entered on a balance sheet account with a mandatory movement schedule into the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube has been entered on an invalid transaction type. The mandatory movement schedule is configured by a non-empty Movement Schedule attribute in the BS Account (Segment) dimension. The InvP.T999 (Closing aggregated from the movement schedule) does not reconcile with the T999 (Closing) transaction type. Movements Schedule Attribute should be "Investment property" and Transaction Type InvP.T999 configurable Error
DV45101 Opening balance balancing The opening balance on the balance sheet accounts for total assets and total equity and liabilities do not balance after the conversion into the group currency and the creation of the combined financial statement. This data validation checks any records on the T000 (Opening) transaction type on the All Partner Entities total in the Balance Sheet cube. BS Account: 100000, 200000 Error
DV45102 Movements balance balancing The movement balance on the balance sheet accounts for total assets and total equity and liabilities do not balance after the conversion into the group currency and creation of the combined financial statement. This data validation checks any records on the T850 (Movements) plus T801 (FXDiff) transaction types on the All Partner Entities total in the Balance Sheet cube. BS Account: 100000, 200000 Error
DV45103 Balance Brought Forward The opening balance on balance sheet accounts after the conversion into the group currency and creation of the combined financial statement do not reconcile with the closing balance from the prior reporting period. This data validation compares all records on the T000 (Opening) transaction type with the T999 (Closing) transaction type of the prior reporting period in the Balance Sheet cube. The prior reporting period is identified by the PriorPeriod attribute from the Month_YTD dimension and the Previous Version attribute from the Version dimension. This data validation will fail if the application has no data or only a rudimentary data set on the prior reporting period. This is expected and acceptable in the very first reporting period. BS Account: 211201, 211200 Warning
DV45201 Opening balance balancing The opening balance on the balance sheet accounts for total assets and total equity and liabilities do not balance after the conversion into the group currency and creation of the combined financial statement. This data validation checks any records on the T000 (Opening) transaction type on the All Partner Entities, All Partner Segments, and All Partner Regions totals in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube. BS Account: 100000, 200000 Error
DV45202 Movements balance balancing The movement balance on the balance sheet accounts for total assets and total equity and liabilities do not balance after the conversion into the group currency and creation of the combined financial statement. This data validation checks any records on the T850 (Movements) plus T801 (FXDiff) transaction types on the All Partner Entities, All Partner Segments, and All Partner Regions totals in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube. BS Account: 100000, 200000 Error
DV45203 Balance Brought Forward The opening balance on balance sheet accounts after the conversion into the group currency and creation of the combined financial statement do not reconcile with the closing balance from the prior reporting period. This data validation compares all records on the T000 (Opening) transaction type with the T999 (Closing) transaction type of the prior reporting period in the Balance Sheet (Segment) cube. The prior reporting period is identified by the PriorPeriod attribute from the Month_YTD dimension and the Previous Version attribute from the Version dimension. This data validation will fail if the application has no data or only a rudimentary data set on the prior reporting period. This is expected and acceptable in the very first reporting period. BS Account: 211201, 211200 Warning


Profit and Loss Cube
Data Validation Name Description Configurable Data Validation Severity
DV42301 Invalid consolidation rule on PnL Account The profit and loss account refers to an invalid consolidation rule. This is stored in the Consolidation Rule attribute of the PnL Account dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the Consolidation Rule dimension, e.g., S1.   Error
DV42302 Missing or invalid clearing account on PnL Account The profit and loss account (which is used for a consolidation rule) refers to none or an invalid clearing account. This is stored in the Clearing Account attribute of the PnL Account dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the PnL Account dimension.   Error
DV42303 Invalid conversion type on PnL Account The profit and loss account refers to an invalid currency conversion type. This is stored in the Conversion Type attribute of the PnL Account dimension. Valid values are the base elements from the Conversion Type dimension, e.g., Average.   Error
DV52201 Non-intercompany split There are amounts with an intercompany relationship stored on a profit and loss account, which does not allow intercompany relationships. The Intercompany attribute of the PnL Account element has been set to 0. At least one amount is stored in the Profit and Loss cube on a Partner Entity element other than ~ (the external partner).   Error
DV52202 Intercompany split There are amounts without an intercompany relationship stored on a profit and loss account, which requires a mandatory intercompany breakdown. The Intercompany attribute of the PnL Account element has been set to 2. At least one amount is stored in the Profit and Loss cube on the Partner Entity element ~ (the external partner).   Error
DV52401 Non-intercompany split (Segment) There are amounts with an intercompany relationship stored on a profit and loss account, which does not allow intercompany relationships. The Intercompany attribute of the PnL Account element has been set to 0. At least one amount is stored in the Profit and Loss (Segment) cube on a Partner Entity element other than ~ (the external partner).   Error
DV52402 Intercompany split (Segment) There are amounts without an intercompany relationship stored on a profit and loss account, which requires a mandatory intercompany breakdown. The Intercompany attribute of the PnL Account element has been set to 2. At least one amount is stored in the Profit and Loss (Segment) cube on the Partner Entity element ~ (the external partner).   Error


Scope of Consolidation Cube
Data Validation Name Description Configurable Data Validation Severity
DV42101 Consolidation method is missing The legal entity is part of the scope in the current reporting period but does not have any consolidation method configured. Enter a valid consolidation method (e.g., F for Full Consolidation) in the scope of the consolidation input screen.   Error
DV42102 Invalid consolidation method The legal entity is part of the scope in the current reporting period and has an invalid consolidation method configured. The consolidation method has probably not been selected in the Scope of Consolidation report but has been imported. Valid consolidation methods are typically F, P, E, or N (the single-letter elements in the Consolidation Method dimension).   Error
DV42103 Tax rate is missing The legal entity is part of the scope in the current reporting period and has no tax rate configured. Enter a tax rate greater than 0% or less than 100% in the scope of the consolidation input screen. The tax rate is required to adjust deferred taxes automatically. If the adjustment of deferred taxes does not apply to your configuration, you may disable this data validation.   Error
DV42104 Missing or invalid holding entity on scope element in the Legal Entity dimension The scope does not have a valid holding entity configured in the current reporting period. Select a base level legal entity for each scope in the scope of consolidation input screen.   Error
DV42105 Local currency missing The legal entity is part of the scope in the current reporting period but has no local currency configured. Store a valid currency in the Currency attribute of the Legal Entity dimension. Valid currencies are three-letter ISO 4217 codes, which must be a base element in the Currency dimension.   Error
DV42106 Invalid consolidation rate The legal entity is part of the scope in the current reporting period but does not have a valid consolidation rate configured. Enter a valid consolidation rate between 0% and 100% in the scope of the consolidation input screen.   Error

Updated July 8, 2024