Cash Flow Cube

Return to Cash Flow Model Overview.

The Cash Flow cube shows financial amounts for the cash flow statement. Most values are computed from the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet cubes. Additional adjustments can be entered directly into the Cash Flow cube, which consists of the following dimensions:

  • Version: see article Version Dimension
  • Month: see article Month Dimension
  • Legal Entity: see article Legal Entity Dimension
  • Currency: see article Fact Cube Using Currency Conversion
  • CF Account:



    Account hierarchy consisting of report items. The hierarchy breaks down into more granular reporting lines. Alternatively, the report items can be broken down into ledger accounts.

    All CF Accounts

    Total of all accounts. Aggregated figures are usually meaningless at this level. See also CF Account Dimension.

  • Cash Flow_measure: contains the following measures:




    Main element to calculate facts from the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet cubes. See Integration of Detail-Planning Cubes (Cash Flow Cube). (numeric)


    Element to manually enter adjustments to the amount calculated from the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet cubes. (numeric)


    Total of Input and Adjustment. (consolidated element)


    Additional explanation of the planned amounts stored in Input or on the performance of actual figures and their adjustments. (string)

Updated August 21, 2024