Frameset Example

This article offers an example of how to create a frameset.

Creating content for the framesets

  1. In Designer, create the spreadsheet "Content1" with the following view:
    Spreadsheet "Content1" for frameset example

    Enable the use of variables by detaching this view: View→Detach. In cell D6, enter =@Year.
  2. Create a new spreadsheet "Content2". Insert a horizontal DynaRange with Subset "Months" in C3:C5, and a vertical DynaRange with Subset "Products" in B4:D4.

    In C4, enter the PALO.DATAC function (Query→Paste data function) and select the option Guess arguments. In the function parameters, replace "All Years" with @Year (without quotation marks) and "All Versions" with “Actual” (with quotation marks).

  3. Create a New spreadsheet and call it "Navigation." Add links to the "Content1" in C2 and to the "Content2" in D2.

  4. In H2, create a Combobox with the Subset of the dimension "Years" as the source and with the destination "Year" as a variable.

  5. Save and close all three files.
  6. Right-click on each file and select Mark/Tag… > As frame. (You can only add tagged files to a frameset).

Note: unlike Comboboxes, the expanded list controls are not able to cross the edges between two frames.

Create the frameset

  1. In the Designer, click on New and choose New Frameset. In the New Frameset dialog, choose the Custom template. Set Rows to 2 and Columns to 1. Set Widths to auto and Heights to 80px (Frame1) and auto (Frame2).
    Frameset dialog with custom settings

  2. In Frame1, insert the file Navigation.wss and set the following properties:

  3. In Frame2, insert the file Content1.wss and set the following properties:

    Note: the checked options in the frame properties take effect only in the User Mode. For export as XLSX-Snapshot or HTML, only one frame can be established. For PDF export, see here. If left unchecked, the frame for the export is randomly selected.
  4. Click on the Add button.
  5. Name the new frameset "Frameset1".
  6. If you need to open the frameset's properties once again, right-click on "Frameset1" and choose Properties. Then click on Frameset.

Editing Hyperlinks

  1. Open "Frameset1." Right-click on the "Content1" and select Edit Hyperlink. The following options are available under the Display in frame section:

    _newOpens Content1 in a new tab.


    Opens Content1 in a blank tab.

    _selfOpens Content1 in Frameset1.
    _topCloses the current frameset or current file and opens link in the same tab.
    Frame1Opens Content1 in Frame1 – in our example used by Navigation.
    Frame2Opens Content1 in Frame2.

  2. For this example, choose "Frame2" for both "Content1" and "Content2". Then save and close "Frameset1".

  3. Click on Reports on the navigation bar, choose Reports, and click on Design view.

  4. Drag and drop "Frameset1" into "Hierarchy," then switch back to the User Preview.
  5. Double click on "Frameset1". If you select the year 2015, the following view is displayed:

  6. Click on "Content2". The following view is displayed:

You can set the year with the Combobox and switch between "Content1" (Regions' data) and "Content2" (Quarters' data) with the hyperlinks.

Updated August 23, 2024