Advanced Database Properties

After selecting a database in Modeler, a user with the corresponding rights can define the following settings in the Advanced section of the Database Properties tab. Click on the links below for a description of each property.

1. Visibility of elements with user access (Right N)

2. Visibility of cubes with user access (Right N)

3. Default access right to the database

4. Initial access right to this database for new groups

5. Database default language


  • All these settings are entries of the #_CONFIGURATION cube of a database. This cube can be accessed through the Paste View dialog.

  • When the user's right is set to "N" for a component, it means that the user does not have access to that particular component. For example, if the user's right is set to "N" for the dimension element, the user is not allowed to see elements in dimensions. See Administration of User Rights for a full explanation of the types of rights user can be granted.

1. Visibility of elements with user access (Right N)

This field reads / writes the content of the cell [HideElements,~] in the #_CONFIGURATION cube of the database. Users with Right N (None) are not permitted access to the given element, and the element will be hidden from the user in the Jedox UI.

The #_CONFIGURATION cube is a system cube, and therefore value changes are controlled by the System Operations rights object (not by Cell Data rights).

To change the entry, the user must have rights to see the cell, i.e. at least 'R' for 'database', 'cube', 'dimension' and 'dimension element' rights objects. Additionally, the user must have at least 'W' for database access and at least 'W' for 'system operations' rights object.

The possible values are:

  • Hide Elements (writes 'Y' into the cell [HideElements,~])
  • Show Elements (writes 'N' into the cell [HideElements,~])

If "Hide elements" is set, elements where access is explicitly denied for a given group (that is, 'N' is defined for this element or a parent element in cube #_GROUP_DIMENSION_DATA_<dimension name>) will be hidden in a newly created view, or any listing of this dimension. The DefaultRight setting, however, does not influence the visibility of elements themselves.

2. Visibility of cubes with user access (Right N)

This field reads/writes the content of the cell [HideCubes,~] in the #_CONFIGURATION cube of the database. It works in much the same way as Visibility of elements, described above. Users with Right N (None) are not permitted access to the given element, and the element will be hidden from the user in the Jedox UI.

To change the entry, the user must have rights to see the cell, i.e. at least 'R' for 'database', 'cube', 'dimension' and 'dimension element' rights objects. Additionally, the user must have at least 'W' for database access and at least 'W' for 'system operations' rights object.

The possible values are:

  • Hide Cubes (writes 'Y' into the cell [HideCubes,~])
  • Show Cubes (writes 'N' into the cell [HideCubes,~])

If HideCubes is set to 'Y', elements where access is explicitly denied for a given group (that is, 'N' is defined for this element or a parent element in cube #_GROUP_DIMENSION_DATA_<dimension name>) will be hidden in a newly created view, or any listing of this dimension.

3. Default access rights to the database

Preliminary note:

At first, the access to database X is defined in #_GROUP_DATABASE_DATA cube for database X. To read/write/delete a value in database X, a user must be a member of a group that has R/W/D in #_GROUP_DATABASE_DATA cube for database X.

If the corresponding cell in #_GROUP_DATABASE_DATA cube is empty, then for database access the value Default access right to the database is used. This value is the content of cell [DefaultRight, ~] in the #_CONFIGURATION cube of the database. This cell cannot be empty. It receives its value from the entry "default-db-right" in the palo.ini or, if it is not defined in palo.ini , the default value 'D' is set in this cell. In database migration cases from old versions, this cell will be filled with 'D' by OLAP server during startup.

The item Default access right to the database (3) in the screenshot above will read/change this value. Changing the value requires the same rights as described above for 1.

The possible values are:

  • None (N): No type of access permitted
  • Read (R): Access rights for reading
  • Write (W): Access rights for writing
  • Delete (D) Access rights for deletion

4. Initial access right to this database for new groups

This item reads / writes / deletes the content of cell [InitialAccessRight, ~] in the #_CONFIGURATION cube of the database.

When new user groups are created, this cell entry is used to define the access those new groups will get to the given database after creation.

Changing the value requires the same rights as described above for 1, with one exception: the [InitialAccessRight, ~] cell can be empty. Changing the value requires at least 'W' rights for both database access and for the System Operations rights object.

Deleting a value requires 'D' rights for both database access and the System Operations rights object.

The possible values are:

  • “Empty”
  • None (N): No type of access permitted.
  • Read (R): Access rights for reading.
  • Write (W): Access rights for writing.
  • Delete (D): Access rights for deletion.

5. Database Default Language

This item reads/writes/deletes the content of cell [DefaultLanguage, ~] in the #_CONFIGURATION cube of the database. All languages that are generally supported by Jedox Web can be chosen. For more information about the database language, see Internationalization of Databases.

Changing the value requires the same rights as described above for 1, with one exception: the [DefaultLanguage, ~] cell can be empty. Changing the value requires at least 'W' rights for both database access and for the System Operations rights object.

Deleting a value requires 'D' rights for both database access and the System Operations rights object.

Updated September 27, 2024