Managing Services from the Cloud Console

Jedox Cloud Console offers two important sections for administrating your cloud instances: Statistics, to keep track of memory and storage usage; and Services, where you can monitor and restart your cloud environments. This article explains in which scenarios these actions are recommended.


This section displays real-time information about the resource usage of the cloud instance, including CPU and memory usage graphs. You can switch between CPU Usage and Memory Usage by clicking on the respective icons.

You can display a larger timespan by double-clicking on the chart. Or you can zoom in on a specific time frame by dragging and dropping the mouse.

When you download the Uptime Report, you can access the usage reports for the current and previous two months. Listed there, among other things, is your monthly server availability as a percentage.

The reports are downloaded as a zip file in .csv format.

To review these reports on Jedox Excel Add-in without formatting problems, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Jedox Excel Add-in and select the Data tab. On the Get & Transform Data section, click the icon indicated below ("from Text/CSV" ):

  2. Choose your csv file from the dialog and click on Import. Then, in the next dialog, select semicolon for the delimiter option. Click Load


This section controls the status of each service individually by providing buttons to stop / start / restart each service individually. You can also restart all active services at once via the "Restart all" button.

The various services are described below:

Updated June 26, 2024