TreeLE Transform

Related link: Overview of Tree Formats

TreeLE stands for Tree Level (L) and Element (E).

The columns of the LE format have to be assigned to input fields of the source or to a constant value:

Level Number of the level, starting with 1. If the level of a row is 1 + the level of the preceding row, this indicates a parent-child relation.
Element Column containing the name of the element.
Weight Column containing the weighting factor.
Element type Column containing the element type.

Additional columns can contain attributes. With such data sources, the TreeLE transform can build up a tree.



Data source: ConstantTable

Data source screenshot

Transform TreeLE:

Transform TreeLE screenshot


Result TreeLE screenshot

Note: when the input is coming dynamically from the Source or Transform, but the "Field name" is left empty, the name of the source column/ function is used for the Field name. When the target is manually defined as constant, then the name "constant" is chosen instead of the value from the "Input" field. Adding more than one constant column results in error, because there would be two columns with the name "constant."

Updated July 8, 2024