REST Connection

Access level: read, write

This connection enables data retrieval from web services that apply the REST (representational state transfer) architectural style. Such "RESTful APIs" are widely used by a variety of service providers.

The REST connection supports REST web services that

  • are based on HTTP
  • use the HTTP methods GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT
  • return data in either JSON or XML format

The REST connection supports the SSL protocol, i.e. HTTPS URLs are allowed. No special parameters are required for its use.


  • For returned data, only application/xml and application/json are allowed. Content types such as text/plain, text/html, image/gif and image/jpeg are not allowed.
  • Only connections with HTTP modes GET and POST are possible for JSON and XML extracts. During a data preview of the extract, the POST request is executed, which may provoke undesired changes on the service endpoint.
  • Testing a REST connection with HTTP mode POST, PUT, or DELETE only tests the reachability of the host via HEAD request.

Preemptive authentication

The Integrator REST connection can support authentication in a "preemptive" manner, meaning that the client sends authentication information when initially establishing the connection, without getting challenged for it. This feature is especially useful for using S/4 Hana web services to provide S/4Hana CDS views.

REST and OAuth2Token connections: limitations

When a REST connection is used as a global connection, and it uses a global OAuth2Token connection as authentication method, there are some limitations.

  • The REST connection cannot be tested in the Connections Manager. However, both the OAuth2Token and REST connections can be tested in the Integrator component.
  • In the Connections Manager, the combo box for the OAuth2Token connection will not work.
  • The global OAuth2Token connection must have the same name as the link to it in the Integrator UI.

REST connection with XML/JSON load

For XML loads or JSON loads using a connection type REST, the REST connection must use HTTP methods POST, PUT, or DELETE. The data may be static or filled dynamically during the load.

Dynamic data: in this case, the request body of the REST connection is filled dynamically during the load with the data generated by the XML/JSON load. Therefore, the REST connection must have an empty request body in its definition.

Static data: in this case, the XML/JSON load must not have a data source assigned. The load simply executes the HTTP call as defined in the REST connection.

Connection settings

Resource The URL for the source data, e.g.
HTTP method GET: retrieves a resource but does not modify it in any way (read only). This method is cacheable. GET requires a URL parameter (see below).

POST: creates a new subordinate resource, such as a subdirectory. This method requires a Header Parameter (see below) or Request Body (see Advanced Settings).

PUT: replaces an existing resource or creates a new resource if it does not already exist.

DELETE: deletes a resource.

PATCH: makes partial changes to an existing resource.

Header parameters The header parameters of the web service as parameter-value pairs. See screenshot below for an example:

Screenshot show example header parameter

Request parameters The request parameters of the web service; required for GET method. The request parameter can be anything, as it is specific to the URL used. For example, the screenshot below shows a URL parameter to get a set of data specific to a certain location:

Screenshot showing example request parameter

All request parameters are URL-encoded in REST connections and have to be provided without any encoding; so, for example, use the character "," instead of the corresponding encoded "%2C" one.

Note that if the resource URL contains any request (query) parameters, it is not allowed to define additional request parameters in this section. This is the case, for example, with a resource URL set in the context of paging with a variable containg the nextlink-URL. This restriction aims to avoid ambiguities, and not following it would lead to an error.

You can also deactivate/skip request parameters in a dynamic way without having them removed from your connection. While an empty parameter value would typically result in an error, you can set their value to #skipParameter to make the connection ignore this parameter for the REST call. This is especially useful in a loop, where only certain iterations require these parameters. One example would be the $skiptoken parameter in MS Graph API, which is used for cursor-based pagination and is usually not a part of your first request but the subsequent ones.

Authentication method None: no authentication method required.

Basic: basic authentication for REST requests. Requires "User name" and "Password" specifications of the source. This method supports preemptive authentication.

NTLM: NT LAN Manager Authentication Protocol (NTLM), a Microsoft security protocol used in Windows for authentication between clients and servers. It requires the "User name", "Password", "Workstation", and "Domain" specifications of the source. For example, NTLM can be used for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Microsoft Dynamics 365 NAV.

Token: refers to a separate connection of type OAuthToken, which handles tokens for OAuth2 authentication. See related article for possible limitations with this type of connection.

Request body As an alternative to simple body parameters, the complete HTTP body can be specified here. This field is only used for the HTTP methods POST, PATCH, and PUT.

Note: if the connection is used in an XML/JSON load with a source, the request body will be filled dynamically and should therefore be left empty.

SSL mode verify: checks the certificate; if response is OK, the certificate is validated.

trust: imports the certificate to the keystore, if not yet available.

off: no SSL is used.

Timeout (in s) The timeout of the web service request in seconds.
Ignore cookies policy By default (unchecked), a warning ("Cookie rejected") appears when the HTTP call breaks a cookie policy. For example, this can be caused by an incorrect domain in the set-cookie header. The REST connection will nevertheless return a result.

If the option is checked, the warning will not appear.

Encrypted authorization header Allows an HTTP authorization request header to be defined in an encrypted way, not visible in UI and logs. This can be done in 2 ways:
  1. A header parameter with name "Authorization" is added with the decrypted content.

  2. The Rest connection contains a header parameter with name "Authorization" : The fixed string %AUTHHEADER% is replaced with the decrypted content. For example:
    Header parameter: Authorization
    Header value: NLAuth nlauth_account=test,, nlauth_signature=%AUTHHEADER%, nlauth_role=admin
    Encrypted authorization header: <The authorization signature>

Note: One specific group of supported web services are those that fulfill the OData (Open Data) Protocol. For more information, see

Updated September 27, 2024