Connecting to an Azure (Blob Storage and Data Lake) Location


Only Block Blobs with Access tier "Hot" or "Cool" are supported. New blobs will default to "Hot" access tier. Other limitations related to Azure Block Storage and particularly to Block Blobs can be found here.

Define the following parameters:

Blob name Blob name together with the path to blob, e.g., samples/BikerProducts.csv
Account name Azure storage account name
Account key Storage account access key used to authorize access to data in your storage account. The key can be found under "Access Keys" of an Azure Storage account
Container name Container name created in Azure storage account specified by "Account Name"
Use token connection Selecting this checkbox enables the connection to be authenticated with an OAuth2 token. The endpoint in OAuthToken connection should be configured this way:

Jedox supports OAuth tokens with oauth2PasswordCredential and oauth2RefreshToken authentication methods.

Updated May 13, 2024